Friday 6 November 2009

Music Magazine Survey

1. What genre of music magazine are you most likely to buy?
-Indie pop
-Hip Hop/R&B
-Popular music

2. How often do you buy music magazines?
-Every day

-Once a week
-Once a month
-Once or twice a year

3. What is your favourite magazine article?
-Game/quiz pages
-General music information
-I enjoy reading all articles

4. Do you enjoy reading other magazines that aren't music magazines?
-Sometimes, it depends on the content
-It doesnt really make a difference, i appeal to all genre's equally

5. Do you think the quality of music magazines has improved throughout the years?
-Some aspects of music magazines have improved

6. Where do you prefer to get information about music?

7. What age group do you belong to?

8. What gender are you?

9. How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?

-£1.00 - £1.50
-£1.50 - £2.00
-£2.50 - £3.00
-£3.50 - £4.00
-£4.50 - £5.00
-Doesnt bother you

10. Do you feel that there are enough diverse types of music magazines out there for everyone?


The Results:
-Rock (1 person)
-Indie pop (2 people)
-Hip Hop/R&B (7 people)
-Country (0 people)
-Popular music (10 people)

-Every day (1 person)
-Once a week (5 people)
-Once a month (10 people)
-Once or twice a year (2 people)

-Never (2 people)

-Interviews (11 people)
-Reviews (5 people)
-Game/quiz pages (2 people)
-General music information (0 people)
-I enjoy reading all articles (2 people)

-Yes (9 people)
-No (4 people)
-Sometimes, it depends on the content (5 people)
-It doesnt really make a difference, i appeal to all genre's equally (2 people)

-Yes (13 people)
-No (3 people)
-Some aspects of music magazines have improved (4 people)

-Internet (3 people)
-Books (0 people)
-Magazines (9 people)
-Television (4 people)
-Radio (4 people)

-10-15 (0 people)
-16-20 (11 people)
-21-25 (3 people)
-26-30 (6 people)
-31-35 (0 people)
-36-40 (0 people)
-41-45 (0 people)
-46-50 (0 people)

-Male (11 people)
-Female (9 people)

-£1.00 - £1.50 (2 people)

-£1.50 - £2.00 (2 people)
-£2.50 - £3.00 (12 people)
-£3.50 - £4.00 (4 people)
-£4.50 - 5.00 (0 people)
-Doesnt bother you (0 people)
-Other = (0 people)

-Yes (2 people)
-No (18 people)

Analysis of my results

For my first question, i asked what genre of music the person prefers. The favoured genre was popular music which immediately swayed me to base my magazine on this genre. I also felt that i knew quite alot about the genre as it is music i am specifically interested in myself.

I then asked how often the person purchases magazines to determine exactly how frequently i would publish an issue of my magazine and what suits my target audience best and keeps them wanting to buy my product. Once a month was the most popular answer, i felt that this worked really well as i decided that releasing an issue every week was too regular, people might not want to spend money on a magazine every week, might get bored etc...

To add to this, i asked what the person favourite magazine article to read was. The vast majority of people voted for interviews, therefore in my double page spread article on the band SERICA, i will try to make it as interesting as possible and really draw the reader in so they know they have fun and informative interviews to indulge into every month.

Then i asked whether they enjoyed reading magazines that weren't music magazines and the vast majority voted yes. Because of this, i want to make sure that my magazine has a number of different features and doesn't just talk about music and artists but also expands on that and discusses events like The MTV Music Awards, including exclusive pictures etc...

I wanted to ask them whether they thought the quality of music magazines has improved throughout the years, most people said yes, however i want to keep in mind that i have to compete with the standard of music magazine's today which i will think about when spending time on the presentation of my product.

My next question was to find out where people prefer to get their music information from, the majority said magazines which means i have to make my magazine highly informative as well as quirky and fun with pictures/competition etc... There were also people that selected the internet as being one of their main sources of music information therefore if i had more time to expand on my product i would also make a website for my magazine with extra information/games/news etc...

The most popular age group was 16-20, therefore i decided that this age group would be my target. I also wanted to aim my magazine at this age group because it means i can make my magazine appeal to a young audience and i can also relate to this age group as i am 16.

I wanted to ask the gender of each person to gain a clear understanding of which sex appeals to music magazines more. There were slightly more males than females, however i felt that females should be able to appeal to music magazines just as much as males, therefore i shall strive to achieve a product that does appear to both genders equally.

The price of the magazine is very important to me as i want to make sure that the people that buy my magazine feel they are getting their money's worth, therefore i asked what price they were willing to pay if the content was interesting and packed with information and the majority went with 2.50-3.00 pounds.

I wanted to know whether people felt there were enough diverse magazines that appeal to everyone available and the majority decided that there weren't, therefore, i wanted to make my magazine quirky and unique, different from any other magazine published yet.

1 comment:

  1. You asked useful questions here and have made some decent analysis of the findings that will be useful for your magazine.
