Friday 20 November 2009

Case Study of a specific magazine

This is a very famous well known music magazine that has been around for many years called 'Rolling Stone'. The name imediately draws the reader in because of the famous band that go by the name of the 'Rolling Stones'. Straight away there is a link between the catchy title and a well known music band, also relating to the genre of the magazine.
The colour of the title is a bright blue which stands out against the crimson red background., this means that although part of the title is behind the figure on the front page, it still stands out so the effect of the title isnt lost.
The font of the title is a slightly italic style font which compliments the rest of the cover because it is a different font to the rest of the typography on the page. It stands out and looks more significant than the rest of the information on the page.
There is a woman standing in the middle of the page, standing in quite a seductive pose. This helps the reader to gain an understanding of exactly what genre of music is going to be discussed in the magazine, such as 50 cent who relate a large majority of their lyrics to love, sex and relationships. Her clothes stand out particularly in the photo because the colours are different from the chosen colours on the rest of the page. She is wearing a black glittery skirt which is reflecting of the light projected on her which adds that extra bit of life to the magazine. Her tied up purple top showing her stomach is quite provocative and suggestive of the music genre, complimeting her slightly messy wavy hair and the position in which she is holding her arms over her head.
There are a number of different subheadings all to do with articles included in the product, this helps the reader to gain an understanding of the specific content and whether or not the chose magazine articles will appeal to them. They have chosen to put the most important part of the article in a bolder and bigger font and the rest of the information in a slightly smaller font to catch the eye of the reader and grab their attention with the main subject of the article. For example:- 50 CENT & CRIMES.

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