Thursday 26 November 2009

Magazine plan


Name of Magazine - 'POPular'

Genre - Popular Music (Chart hits)

I chose this particular genre for my magazine because results from my survey showed that this type of music is the most popular. I wanted to appeal to as many people as possible within my age group. I also chose this genre of music because although indie and rock are well catered for in the magazine industry, since the closure of the 'Smash Hits' magazine, chart pop music, has not been well represented in the music press.

My target audience will be young teenage boys and girls, ranging fr
om 16-20. I decided to do this because the majority of the people that took my survey, were in this age group and i felt that this age range would appeal to the the genre of music the most.

My institution would be a large publishing/media company. Advantages of this would be that the company would be able to provide me with all the high quality resources i need to make my product look as professional as possible.

Font ideas:

I decided to choose font number four because i felt that it fitted in with the fun, upbeat and modern aspect of pop music. I liked the uniqueness of the lettering and felt it was not too simplistic but at the same time not too complex. I like the way the 'pop' stands out in this font, and the way its quite separate from 'ular', my aim was to separate it enough that the 'pop' stood out to portray the idea of the popular music genre. I felt the other fonts didn't stand out as well as this one.

Font number three i felt was quite childish and just missed the age group i am targeting my product at. The lower case lettering mixed with a slightly 'scruffy' design made it look this way, and i didn't want this to have a negative impact on my magazine.

Font two was my second choice, however i felt that the 'ular' was too small and looked like too much of a separate word, however i did like the idea of a brush effect for my lettering; it's quirky and compliments my genre.

I will achieve the overall 'look' of my magazine by using bright and contrasting colours that are both masculine and feminine so my product appeals to both members of the opposite sex. I will use a number of diverse and eye catching fonts for different titles and subtitles of articles in my magazine so it doesn't become repetitive and boring for the reader. I will also include images to compliment the main article issue. For example: - My double page spread interview on SERICA will have pictures of them in the recording studio and singing at live gigs.This will allow the readers to get an insight of exactly what they do and entices them to buy their new album.

For my front page i will have an eye catching picture of the lead singer in the band SERICA, which is who i am focusing on for my double page spread within the product.

The font for the title of my magazine will be across the top of the page so it is the first thing the reader sees. Furthermore, i will have catchy tease lines dotted around the page to entice the readers even more. For example: - 'JLS REVEALED' so the readers are left wanting to read more. I will also include the issue number so potential long term readers can keep up with the issues.

For my contents page i will have a slight summary of information that is on each page. Some of them will be complimented with images to do with the article, depending on how main stream they are.

For my double page spread article i am doing an interview with Stuart James and Andy, 3 men from the band SERICA. I will ask them questions about their musical life and also life away from music, for example: - what they do in their free time etc...

1 comment:

  1. You've thought carefull about this Morgan and have madfe your choices carefully with your target audience in mind
